Colette Oswald Photography
Colette@coletteoswaldphoto.com |Photography Studio in Haddonfield {Audubon} NJ. We specialize in classic and modern portraits, corporate head shots, lifestyle photography, branding photos, wedding photography, event photography, and boudoir photography.
Professional Makeup
I am a professional makeup artist with over 17 years of experience. I have lived and worked in Los Angeles, Atlanta and South Jersey.
As an artist it is extremely important to me that my clients look and feel their best! I treat each face individually, and do what is appropriate for your face, age, and the occasion. I am experienced doing makeup on all skin types, ethnicities and ages. My professional makeup kit has a wide range of products and keeping everything clean and SANITARY is a top priority for me.
The most important objective is to keep you looking like you! My philosophy is that makeup should enhance your features and natural beauty. The process is fun and I want my clients to enjoy the experience and feel comfortable.
When you invest in professional portraiture, polish your final look with professional makeup application. Properly applied makeup will reflect light in the right places which helps emphasize your best features to enhance your portraits.
I love what I do and I want you to love how you look!
Katie Sojka KatieSoyka@yahoo.com
please note: I accept cash, check or Venmo for payment. (sorry, no credit cards)